Symposium 2025

PCE Europe Symposium Glasgow 2025

Friday 21st – Sunday 23rd November 2025
Pre-conference event: Thursday 20th November

Location: University of Strathclyde, Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC), Glasgow, Scotland

Symposium Theme - Growing in difficult and challenging places
The actualising tendency is an underpinning drive, organismic wisdom and creative energy that promotes growth and actualisation. Growth can occur even in the most hostile and limited circumstances. Person-centred and experiential (PCE) approaches are vibrant and creative: surviving, thriving, fighting and flourishing even in the most difficult places. There is growth and development in our practice, in our communities, in our training, in our research, and in theoretical perspectives of the approach. Change and growth is an inevitable and trustworthy organismic response, it can take unexpected, surprising, creative and challenging directions. Understanding and promoting this creative process of growth is central to our approach.
Our conference theme will explore the growth and development of our approaches with a focus on creativity and the actualising tendency.

We will explore questions such as:
• Where are the growing edges in PCE approaches?
• How is the actualising tendency expressed in difficult circumstances?
• How are we responding to problems and challenges in our practice, and in our communities?
• How is our approach developing in the context of digital world?
• How are our PCE practices evolving?
• How are therapists and clients growing and developing?
• What are the challenges, creative responses and developments in PCE training?
• In what directions might the future growth of PCE approaches develop?

Organised by three partner organisations: